Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Applied Cash Flow System - Affiliates Self Review - Brian M Hazel

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The Applied Cash Flow System - Affiliates Self Review  - Brian M Hazel

A Self Review for Applied Cash Flow System Affiliates

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

The Sky is the Limit when it comes to the level of success, 

one can attain with => The Applied Cash Flow System

The Applied Cash Flow System - Affiliates Self Review 

I would like to provide you with a list of questions 

That you may ask yourself about your email campaigns.
This will make it easier to develop and improve your email marketing. 

1. Do you send out email at the best time of day?
2. Do you know why you send emails out? 
3. Is your email marketing budget based on how much you want to spend, or on how much you want to make?
4. What do inactive subscribers mean to you? 
5. Do you reward active and loyal subscribers?
6. Do you operate within the guidelines of internet service providers?
7. Do you value feedback from your subscribers?
8.  Do you follow statistics from your tracking data?
9. Do you try to compute advanced statistics from the data you have garnered?
10. Are you satisfied with your rates (open, click-throughs, etc)? 
11. What are you doing about those who don’t open or click your emails?
12. Do you think emails you send are the best you can create?

***As a Self Review for Applied Cash Flow System Affiliates,

You can print this list out and check it step by step as you improve your email campaign.


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The Applied Cash Flow System - Affiliates Self Review  - Brian M Hazel
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Monday, August 24, 2015

The Applied Cash Flow System - Action Plan - Brian M Hazel

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 The Applied Cash Flow System - Action Plan - Brian M Hazel

An Action Plan for The Applied Cash Flow System

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

The Applied Cash Flow System - Action Plan is a quick start

overview, to get Newbies into a daily profitable position...

As Soon as Possible.

All you really have to do is... 

 Effectively Apply => The Applied Cash Flow Method

The Applied Cash Flow Method includes performing certain tests, 

mostly featuring the popular  A/B Test. 

Whether you are familiar with  the A/B test or not, 

you probably know that’s it’s kind of hard for a newbie to choose what to test. 

I faced this  exact problem when one of my 'students' asked me 

what are the key elements of an email campaign that should be tested. 

Here is the list In which I advised him...  I hope you find it helpful!

Subject lines. It’s good to test all you can here, from words to tone.

It’s amazing how few words or symbols or something of the like

can double or even triple your open rates.

From lines. Test specific and factual only names,

or people’s names as a From-name. Also, test full company name or the brand name, etc.

Time of delivery. There are best times to send your emails,

 but as you know there’s always an exception.

Maybe you have a special niche, and people in this niche

are more active on Monday, or Friday ...(for example).

Call to action. There are many things to test here :

type, size, color, placement, text and many other elements of a call-2-action.

You should define first what type converts best for your list... regular links or buttons/images.

Email length. Some think that short messages convert best

(I am on this side too), however, some feel that

your letter should extremely detailed and informational. 

Applying An Action Plan for The Applied Cash Flow System ...

Insures maximum results.

 Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
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                ( Click Here )

 The Applied Cash Flow System - Action Plan - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Applied Cash Flow System - SMS Marketing - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow System - SMS Marketing - Brian M Hazel

Utilizing SMS Marketing with The Applied Cash Flow System

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

In promoting -> The Applied Cash Flow System  - SMS Marketing

is the one of the most effective concepts to creating huge Success !

With the growth of the mobile Internet, SMS will remain a priority and

a popular communication mode for the next 4 years, for both personal and commercial use.

And accordingly, SMS marketing will continue to take a leadership position,

surpassing even IM (Instant Messages).

According to Forrester Research, Inc. the advertisers will spend more than $ 8 billion on mobile

marketing in 2016, up 38% over current spending,

and the total revenue for SMS providers for the period of 2012-2016 will reach $ 1 trillion.
The number of mobile subscribers is expected to

 increase during the next 4 years... from 6 billion to 7 billion.

The popularity and active spreading of smartphones will

contribute the increasing of users who can access the Internet from their mobile devices.

The high progress is predicted for online messengers and instant messaging via mobile Internet.

Utilizing SMS Marketing with The Applied Cash Flow System

Is a cost effective technique that I have been using with great Success !!!

 Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
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Applied Cash Flow System - SMS Marketing - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - Advanced EPS - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow System - Advanced EPS  - Brian M Hazel

Applied Cash Flow System Advanced Email Processing

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

When considering all of the advantages to 

increase your => Applied Cash Flow System front end sales. 

I would like to provide you with a list of tips that will, 

Help you to create perfect email signatures... 

as Applied Cash Flow System - Advanced EPS Strategies

1. Keep it as laconic as you can, but be sure to 
provide all the important information. 
4 lines is some kind of accepted standard.

2. Use pipes (|) or colons (::) to separate
 text within the line and condense information.

3. Back to the roots – simple plain text is best; skip colors, custom fonts and images.

4. Always use the accepted signature delimiter (– ) to help 
your signature get recognized as such by all the email clients.

5. Be careful with HTML formatting because it may 
not appear how you want it to for each and every of your recipients.

6. Test your signature with as many email clients as possible, 
especially if you use HTML formatting.

7. Make sure your logo and other graphics are 
optimized and uploaded as files to your server. Also use an absolute URL.

8. It’s best to write the whole URL, not just create a hyperlink.

9. Avoid including multiple phone numbers and email addresses
 – this is always confusing. Pick just one of each contact type.

10. If you include Skype or other IM contacts be 
ready to get contacted this way.

11. Put links to your most important social network and 
social media profiles, but only if they are appropriate.

12. Include your email address. Unfortunately, 
some email clients just don’t include header information in replies and forwards.

13. Create different versions, both in length and 
content and use them for different needs. It’s good to use 
short version for replies.

14. Make sure you keep your signature 
updated on all of your mobile devices, sure if you use 
them to send messages frequently.

15. Always think twice before writing a quote; you can never 
know when you might offend someone or give the wrong impression.

16. Avoid including a legal disclaimer unless required to do so.

17. Avoid including a virus-checked message at the bottom 
of every email. That’s history, most of the email service 
providers check emails automatically and notify user in case of a danger.

Applied Cash Flow System Advanced Email Processing

Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
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                ( Click Here )
Applied Cash Flow System - Advanced EPS  - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Applied Cash Flow - Email Processing - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow - Email Processing - Brian M Hazel

Applied Cash Flow System Email Processing Tips

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

Online Automation and Advanced Income Methods... 

Mean so much with => Applied Cash Flow - Email Processing 

So, without delay I would like to provide you with 9 Quick Tips

 To increase your Applied Cash Flow System sales.

  1. Opt-in: Do you send opt-in messages only?  Certain countries require senders to obtain opt-in permission, so as many of email marketing services and email providers.
  2. False or misleading subject lines: Do you send email messages with false or misleading subject lines? Laws may not allow companies to send email messages with false or misleading subject lines.
  3. Clear way to opt-out: Do you provide your recipients with the easy way to opt out of receiving the email messages? You need to have a clear and easy-2-use unsubscribe link or method for all your email messages. It’s SPAM if your recipients can’t easily leave your email list.
  4. Proof of opt-ins: Do you have proofs of opt-ins and do you store them securely? Some laws may ask you for a proof.
  5. Monitoring of the reply-to address: Do you monitor your reply-to email address and respond in less than 24 hours? This is an essential email marketing aspect in some countries.
  6. Valid postal address: Do you have a valid postal address in your email messages? Laws of many countries say you need to have a valid postal address mentioned in the end of each and every email message you send.
  7. Unsubscribe method: Do you provide your recipients with additional unsubscribe methods (for example – phone, direct email, fax)? Some laws require sender to provide recipients with more than 1 way to unsubscribe.
  8. Harvesting/Extracting: Did you extract or harvest your email list? Some countries have restrictions on using harvested or extracted email addresses.
  9. Privacy policy: Do you display a privacy policy in your email messages? Some countries ask to link to a privacy policy, which says how data are stored, managed and edited, also how secure your data management is. It’s also necessary to mention how recipients can change their personal data and how their data will be used.

Applied Cash Flow System Email Processing Tips 

 Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
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Applied Cash Flow - Email Processing - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
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