Sunday, September 27, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - Free Leads - Brian M Hazel


The Applied Cash Flow System - Free Leads Strategies

Hi Guys Brian M. Hazel here,

Let's talk about => The Applied Cash Flow System  - 

Free Traffic Strategies and Social Media updating.

Running your  social media outlets and updating them the right way can

produce a ton of free leads, and web traffic. 

Interacting with your potential network marketing associates, 

through your social media platforms,

will create happier subscribers 

that will feel a lot more comfortable with you in the long run. 

Nowadays everyone attempting to earn a living online

should have have => Facebook pages,

=>Twitter channels,

and accounts on other social networking platforms.

All this helps to stay in touch with as many subscribers as possible.

But it’s so easy to annoy or scare your new fans and virtual friends,

so I have prepared 4 tips on how to properly update

your social networking accounts and pages.
1. Be informative. Provide your subscribers with the content you like and think useful. We all know how we like how-to, tricks’n’tips, and other interesting types of information. This is the best content to update your social networking accounts with.
2. Discuss. It’s not enough just to post content. You need to reply to comments and discuss the topic with your fans, subscribers and virtual friends.  They will ask you for more information, they will have questions – and your job is to provide them with answers. This is how you personally deliver value
3.  Traditions. We all like traditions! . Traditions are what unites us and what make us different. You can hold some weekly or monthly contests with your fans, do something together. This is one of the best ways to make actual friends out of your “virtual friends” 
4. Don’t parrot. Too many posts, repetitive posts and re-posts are strictly taboo. It’s so easy to annoy your fans and friends. They will stop following if an info overload occurs.
Be human and post interesting info...only when it’s necessary.
In conclusion; My experience shows it's extremely profitable to

incorporate social media aggressively as a part of any total media promotion circle.

The Applied Cash Flow System - Free Leads Strategies

 Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - Mobile Marketing - Brian M Hazel

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The Applied Cash Flow System Using Mobile Marketing

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

How many of you have already begun leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System

Using Mobile Marketing...? 

Along with ordinary email campaigns? 

Newbie email marketers feel that it’s really enough with 

“just normal PCs and browsers”, 

However marketers that really want to create maximum daily cash flow 

expand their email marketing activities and, move to the Next Level

Effective Mobile Email Marketing is unstoppable as a marketing platform,

but it’s nothing without a great Call-2-Action,

which is the core element of each and every mailing campaign. 

There are 4 Aspects of the Call-2-Action element – Design, Colors, Placement and Metrics. 
Large or small? Picture or a link? Maybe a button? It doesn’t matter as long as it fits your design and looks familiar to your website visitors. They should feel comfortable and think of your website or brand. Make the Call-2-Action 'feel' comfortable and you will increase your click-through rate. Sometimes a built-in 2-3 field form converts better than just buttons.

Be careful with colors. Red is a catchy one, but many people will not press the red button as it associates with a cancel or deny function. For business Call-2-Actions, the best colors are blue, orange, yellow.

Don’t place your Call-2-Action only at the end of the email.  Your Call-2-Action should be placed near the info or features list. This is a technique I use that gives a clear and targeted choice – Info/Features or Action. The Right hand upper side is where I prefer (as in this article), with a slight blend into one of the sentences.

Use if all possible a reliable digital tracker to calculate and record line item conversion rates.

The Applied Cash Flow System 

Using Mobile Marketing will  take you to the Next Level !!!

Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
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Applied Cash Flow System - Mobile Marketing - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Friday, September 25, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - Day Trading Alternative - Brian M Hazel

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 Applied Cash Flow System - Day Trading Alternative - Brian M Hazel

The Applied Cash Flow System is The Day Trading Alternative

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

In terms of long term equity building as well as daily cash flow

I believe =>The Applied Cash Flow System 

is The Day Trading Alternative

I presently use the equation that each $1 spent in Online Email Marketing

needs to earn more than $40 in sales, 

And some say that each subscriber added to your bulk email list,

can earn you more than $1/month.

On the one hand these are benchmark numbers, 

However using my traffic generation and lead capture methods, 

these figures are average, at best!  

I would like to provide you with some good info from Forester Research. 

Below is a formula which will help you to determine the value of your 'list'. 

 Applied Cash Flow System - Day Trading Alternative - Brian M Hazel

In conclusion I hope you see how :

The Applied Cash Flow System is The Day Trading Alternative

Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
                ( Click Here )
 Applied Cash Flow System - Day Trading Alternative - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - Secrets Revealed - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow System - Secrets Revealed  - Brian M Hazel

Applied Cash Flow System - Email Marketing Secrets Revealed

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

Most of you now understand... 

That knowing how to run, 

a Successful Email Marketing Campaign with => The Applied Cash Flow System

Can make you very wealthy. 

Experience shows most of us use just a few types of email message mailings,

Or even one...

Just emailing your main subscriber list.

But that’s a big mistake, as different types or mailings bring different results, 

And it’s good to use them all...To get the maximum out of your profit driven campaigns. 

I have compiled what I feel are :

The Top 6 Types of Email Messages You should implement with your email campaigns. 
Email Newsletters –  The most common type of email message as it includes large amounts of content, may contain more than one call-2-action. It’s very good as it can contain content of different niches and interests.
Email Digests – Very similar to an email newsletter but with a few distinctions: summary-type content, used as a reminder or quick-updater.
The Dedicated Email – Acts as the most lead-driving tool, as it contains information about one offer/product only. Strong call-2-action. No mistakes allowed in this type of mailing.
The Email Chain –This is a very powerful lead-driving type of mailing. Email chains consist of a series of mailings, leading your subscribers from the first mailing to the purchase. Statistics show that the CTR is usually 2-3 times higher than with dedicated email campaigns. This type is not for beginners, but it works really well when you can manage it the right way.
Sponsorship Emails – No real comments here, this one is just to make extra money using your own list. Be careful with content – a few negatives may happen – 1. You may scare your leads to the point that they just unsubscribe, 2. Your leads may like the sponsored content... and leave you !
Transactional Emails – These are trigger-emails,  they are very effective as you approve the action (and obtain respect for delivering value), may gain cross-sales, and use this a starter-email of another email chain that will lead this customer to another purchase.

Applied Cash Flow System - Email Marketing Secrets Revealed

Click Below to:
Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
                ( Click Here )
Applied Cash Flow System - Secrets Revealed  - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Friday, September 18, 2015

Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions - Brian M Hazel

Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

I am very detailed oriented when it comes to 

my personal marketing of =>. The Applied Cash Flow System

I believe this is directly tied to my well documented internet marketing successes.

So today I offer : The Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions

Extensive research shows us  that  email message subject lines, 

and quality email content is necessary to achieve maximum daily profitability.

Imagine your recipients scrolling down their inbox full of emails,

spending just seconds on each and every subject line.

If your subject line isn't super cool or too ordinary...

 Then your email message will not be opened.

 I would like to provide you with a few more tips and techniques 
on how to improve your subject lines and your email message content.

1. Personalize, personalize, personalize… and segment your list by interests

to further grab your recipient’s attention.
Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions - Brian M Hazel
2. Describe the benefits, not features. Not all of your email recipients are tech savvy,

this means you should provide them with the info they can understand and accept.

Don’t talk much about your product’s features.

Tell them how this can help them, how this works and what they can achieve by using your product.
3. Use direct verbs and be very clear. When you prepare your subject lines or

Call-2-action texts you should be 100% clear.

It’s better to have “Download a free demo” text on the button, then just “Click Here” or “Special Offer”. 
When a recipient knows what is or isn't there, or expects something,

they are more likely to opp-in to your offer or test your product. 

Don’t chase clicks conversions.

Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions 

 Learn How  I Personally Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day

Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income
               Leveraging => The Applied Cash Flow System
                ( Click Here )

Applied Cash Flow System - My Personal Suggestions - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )