Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Applied Cash Flow - Best Work at Home - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow  - Best Work at Home  - Brian M Hazel

The Applied Cash Flow System  - The Best Work at Home Opportunity - Online

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

I have been asked on occasion,

will Continue to produce as well as it does.

I have noticed only...

That it continues to become more profitable every month.

Since it is powered by email marketing, 

it will only continue to grow as email communications 

continue to evolve,especially with mobile applications

Email accounts are as personal and unique as your phone number.
They are the preferred way for corporate/personal information to be exchanged.

Here is a short excerpt from Email Statistics Report with a Forecast for 2016-2017. 
  • The number of worldwide email accounts is projected to increase from over 2.9 billion in 2014, to over 4.8 billion by 2016.
  • In 2014, 75% of all email accounts will belong to consumers, and 25% to corporate users. This ratio is expected to stay fairly constant over the next four years, with corporate email accounts growing slightly to about 26% of the total number of accounts by 2016.
  • The majority of email accounts, today, are free or low-cost consumer ISP/Webmail accounts.
  • The average number of email accounts per user ratio is expected to remain even at roughly 1.6 accounts per user over the next four years.
  • Geographically, in 2015, the majority of email users are located in Asia/Pacific (47%). Europe accounts for about 23% of all users, North America has about 14%, and the Rest of the World has around 16% of all users.
  • In 2015, the typical corporate user sends and receives about 110 messages daily. Roughly 18% of emails received is spam, comprising both actual spam and “graymail” (i.e. unwanted newsletters, alerts, etc.).
  • While users mostly see spam as an annoyance, for corporations it is a considerable expense. According to our projections, a typical 1,000-user organization can spend upwards of $3.0 million a year to fight and manage spam.
  • Instant Messaging (IM) is also growing in popularity with both corporate and consumer users, we estimate that there will be nearly 2.4 billion IM accounts worldwide in 2015, growing to just over 4.5 billion by 2016.
  • Social Networking has seen explosive growth in the last 18 months and by year-end 2010 we expect to see nearly 2.2 billion social networking accounts worldwide comprising both consumer and business accounts. By 2016 this is expected to grow to nearly 5.7 billion accounts worldwide.
  • Wireless email accounts including both enterprise and consumer accounts total about 607 million in 2015, and will grow rapidly over the next four years to 2.4 billion accounts worldwide.

The Applied Cash Flow System  - The Best Work at Home Opportunity - Online

Learn How...  with The Applied Cash Flow Method

I now Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day... from my Kitchen table...
Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income.

Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends  - Brian M Hazel
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Monday, January 11, 2016

Applied Cash Flow - More Money Immediately- Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow - More Money Immediately- Brian M Hazel

The Applied Cash Flow System  - How To Make  More Money Immediately

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

As a Fellow Network Marketer, 

I would like to take this moment to remind you that...

Higher Open-Rates and Click-Through-Rates, 

How do ISPs block SPAM emails? 
There are two ways – First.. One is about a database with blacklisted emails, senders’ IPs, and messages flagged as spam by email client users. 
The second is about SPAM filters – that’s what I want to talk about.
  • How do SPAM filters work?
  • How do they search for “wrong” words and block emails?
These email “watch dogs” (I mean SPAM filters) are used by most Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) as well as private customers. While this software does block out Spam, it can also block legitimate emails as well. Understanding how Spam filters work can help prevent non-delivery problems, or being labeled a ‘spammer’ unfairly.
Please notice that I am fighting SPAM with my  ->Email Marketing tactics – this article will help you to avoid SPAM-filters and being labeled ‘spammer’ unfairly.
Normally, email filters examine the words in the email “subject line”. This is the header that you see when an email shows up in your email box. A good subject line can encourage people to actually click on and open an email (more on this in lesson seven), but you need to exercise care when creating your subject headings to prevent filtering.
Frequently, more sophisticated anti-spam methods used by ISPs use a “point system” that identifies trigger phrases commonly used by Spam. If an email goes over the “points” it is filtered out, and is never delivered to a customer.
Some of the more commonly used phrases that ISPs and mail clients filter out include:
Multi level Marketing
Million Dollars
Cash Bonus
Promise You
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Serious Cash
Search Engine Listings
One time
Online pharmacy
Online marketing
Order Now
Please Read
Don’t Delete
Save up to
Time limited
Unsecured debt or credit
Visit our web site
While Supplies last
Why pay more?
Work at home
You’ve been selected

***The Applied Cash Flow System  - How To Make  More Money Immediately

Learn How...  with The Applied Cash Flow Method

I now Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day... from my Kitchen table...
Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income.

Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends  - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
Live Interview ==>> ( Click Here )

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Applied Cash Flow - Immediate Social Media Incomes - Brian M Hazel


Applied Cash Flow  - Immediate Social Media Incomes

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

I continually conceptualize how to create immediate money online.

At this point it is very easy for me to generate Cash on demand.

So researching and experimenting with the different variations of

how to create the most money in your PayPal in the Next 2 Hours...

I would obtain = > An immediate pay-out affiliate program,

And immediately promote it on as many social media platforms as possible !

For a more long term,

yearly reliable income strategy...

I would leverage Google

Let's Expand upon this.

As you know...Google is known as the largest global search engine. . 

The news is... Google recently stated that they have over 200 factors in the ranking algorithm and 

each one of the factors may have several variations within each as well.  

The ‘Social Ranking’ Concept
Both Google and Bing have stated that they utilize social signals as a part of their organic ranking algorithm. 
The idea behind it is that if you’re an authoritative Twitter account tweeting out links that some organic value should come from it. 
The more authoritative the Twitter user the more value a tweet will be worth.
URL Shortner Effects?
It’s extremely common for Twitter users to utilize a URL shortner within a tweet. What I would like to know is if using a URL shortner causes any loss of value within these ‘social votes’.   Assuming the shortner is using a 301 redirect can we assume all the value is passed?  If we were to cannibalize tweets by posting the full URL would we get additional ‘social juice’?  Only time will tell the answers to these questions.

Will Buying Twitter Accounts / Tweets Be The Next “Thing”?
Now that Google and Bing have openly admitted to social accounts adding value to organic rankings, do we have to worry about SPAM?  How about people looking to purchase authoritative Twitter accounts?  I haven’t found anything official in the Twitter T.O.S. (outside of squatting) but I can’t imagine Google or Bing supporting this.  Just like links and PageRank (to an extent) there are reasons why some accounts offer more value then others.  Simply purchasing authoritative accounts would be an easy way to game the ranking algorithm.
Let’s go further and imagine that in a perfect world no authoritative Twitter user would sell their account.  What about individual Tweets? If I offer you $200 to send out 140 characters advertising my site would you say NO? I truly would be ecstatic to see everyone deny these offers but on the other hand I do understand that people like to eat too! If ‘social rank’ truly plays a role in organic rankings then we should all be prepared for these types of SPAM… I mean tweets.

‘Social Rank’ Will Probably Die ?
Considering the 200+ ranking factors that make up Google’s ranking algorithm I doubt that this ‘social rank’ plays a significant role.
 In the world of SEO it’s believed that everything and anything helps. I can’t imagine ‘social rank’ being a viable long term technique worth investing in.

The Applied Cash Flow System - Immediate Social Media Incomes
Learn How...  with The Applied Cash Flow Method

I now Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day... from my Kitchen table...
Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income.

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Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends  - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
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Monday, January 4, 2016

Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends - Brian M Hazel

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Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends  - Brian M Hazel

The Applied Cash Flow System - Home Income Trends 

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

The home business Industry 

has gone through a complete digital revolution.

You can automate and digitize 

such a large majority of your operational activities,

that the most important tasks 

can actually be done remotely from a smartphone,

1. Anywhere Hiring
As companies increase hiring as the global recession eases, they will be more open to bringing on ideal candidates regardless of the candidate’s location.
Driven by greater competition for talent, leaner budgets, years of successfully working off-site and advances in technology, there will be a marked increase in the number of people re-entering the workforce from remote locations. This trend will make offices slimmer and commutes shorter, but it will cause you to rely on technology even more to build your brand, land a job, and do it well.
Video will be a particularly critical tool for interviewing remote candidates and a vital medium for communicating your brand message and building your identity with colleagues.
2. Homecasting
In real estate listings, it has become common to see the initials “HO,” for home office, as a selling feature. As more people start to work from home in 2016, look for the abbreviation to become “HOS,” or Home Office Studio. And with the move to all things video, the home office will now become a “set,” giving new meaning to the real estate term “home staging.”
Home offices will have video equipment designed to ensure high-quality audio and professional-looking backgrounds for synchronous and asynchronous communication. Although Skype has been the basic mode of video connections for quite some time, Cisco recently announced the more robust Telepresence for the home called UMI. Homecasting systems will become less expensive, higher quality, and more pervasive.
3. VIDmail
Email is so last decade. Good riddance, because email is one of our weakest forms of expression. Words account for only about 7% of a communication, and words are pretty much all we have to work with on email.
As video becomes easier and easier to create and distribute, it will eventually replace the ubiquitous text-based email that we’ve been using for about 30 years. Look for changes to email software and new products to support this evolution from text to video. VideoBIO and Talk Fusion are just two of many companies that offer services to support video in email.
4. Prêt-à-Regarder (Ready-to-Watch)
In the Mad Men ’60s and Mary Tyler Moore ’70s, the dress or coat-and-tie “uniform” was just about mandatory. During the ’80s, we loosened up and created casual Fridays when we acknowledged that formal clothes don’t necessarily make the employee. In the ’90s and ’00s, every day became casual in many workplaces, especially if those workplaces were the spare bedroom or dining room table.
Soon, the fashion needle will swing back a bit. If you work from home, the days of working in your pajamas are numbered thanks to live video meetings. But no need to stow the shorts and flip-flops, since we’ll mostly homecast from the waist up.
5. Personal Branding Infused
Human resources leaders understand that an excellent way to retain talent is to increase engagement and help employees apply their best skills. Over the past decade, many Fortune 500 companies and global brands have built personal-branding training programs to support employee development.
In the coming years, personal branding will be fully integrated into learning systems. That means there will be elements of personal branding included in soft-skills training—from new-hire orientation through leadership development.
As you participate in development programs in the coming year, listen to how many times you hear references to your personal brand.

The Applied Cash Flow System - Home Income Trends 

Learn How...  with The Applied Cash Flow Method

I now Earn Upwards of 519.17 / Per Day... from my Kitchen table...
Plus  ... An Additional 19+ / Checks a Month in Residual Income.

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Applied Cash Flow - Home Income Trends  - Brian M Hazel
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded 
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