Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Millionaire Next Door - Brian M Hazel

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The Millionaire Next Door - Brian M Hazel

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

By the time =>This Video is over, 

you will know how 'The Millionaire Next Door '

was able to build a six figure from home.

These Secrets <= will have you asking yourself why you are the 99% instead of the 1%. 

You are probably overwhelmed,

frustrated and spending more money than you are making.

Well…I am here to tell you...It may not be your fault…

It seems like everyday there is more stuff popping up claiming to

help you make money that is really just ‘overhyped crap’ with outrageous

income claims that are barely legal at best…

Or it’s some crazy new marketing ‘Gadget’ or ‘Widget’ that promises 100+ leads a day

while you sit at home eating Bon-Bons, watching re-runs of Seinfeld.

These things are distracting and confusing.

They actually do a lot of harm to the home business industry as a whole.

Mainly… they overwhelm YOU!  

More importantly it’s these ‘shiny objects’ that are killing your productivity in general.

You know deep down that you are better than the results you have created so far

in your life.

You know you want something more.

You know you can => Produce More. 

There is something pulling you to become more

Access the The Millionaire Next Door Video <<—

If you are into Internet Marketing and only want to
apply your time to realize exponential growth
This is most certainly =>(Your Solution)
The Millionaire Next Door - Brian M Hazel
Brian M Hazel

The Millionaire Next Door

How to Make Money Online Fast - MLSP Weekly Webinars

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How to Make Millions Online Fast - Brian M Hazel


When asked, => How to Make Money Online Fast

My answer is...

Market, Market and MARKET






How to Make Money Online Fast - MLSP Weekly Webinars

You can have immediate access to the EXACT same blueprint, 

power points,videos, scripts, follow-up emails, splash pages, keywords, 

promotional power points and scripts.

EVERYTHING that made the difference between a 2.67% conversion 

rate and 11%+ conversion rate...

MLSP Weekly Webinars - This is the EXACT BLUEPRINT !!!

How to Make Millions Online Fast
This Program Includes:
A full 5-Day Attraction Marketing Bootcamp
The "Instant Authority Kit" was designed so that you can instantly have the

exact same bootcamp to become financially free.

How to Make Millions Online Fast

It is generic, brands you as a leader, instantly makes you an authority, and

drips serious value and content to your new prospects even if you're brand new

day 1 online... and YES, even if you've never made a dime before!
Used to create 5 different 6-Figure+ Businesses  ->>Access The Blueprint 

6 Already Made, Done For You Powerpoint Presentations

You get the 6 power point presentations over the 5 day period

that are 100% generic.

These will instantly brand YOU as a leader.

You can choose to record them in your own voice or

simply use them out of the box .

5 Follow-Up E-mails

These are the exact e-mails used.

Que up a new email for each day of the bootcamp

that drives your prospects back to YOU.

Fast Start Option & Branded Option  

->>Access The Blueprint 

You can use the material right out of the box.
You don't need to re-record anything whatsoever, and there is very minimal

work to get this bootcamp up and running for you today! 

How to Make Money Online Fast - MLSP Weekly Webinars

If want to apply your time to... 

Realize Exponential Growth  =>>Access The Blueprint 

Zero Cost - MLSP Webinars 

Weekly Digital Marketing Webinars => (Click Here)



MLSP - Weekly Webinars

Work From Home - MLSP Weekly Webinars - Brian M Hazel

Monday, June 29, 2015

Million Dollar Home Based Ideas - MLSP Weekly Webinars - Brian M Hazel

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Million Dollar Home Based Ideas - Brian M Hazel

Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

In creating => Million Dollar Home Based Ideas

Social bookmarking websites are becoming more and more popular.  

They allow you to save bookmarks online and Tag/Categorize them with

keywords instead of saving them as bookmarks in the favorite's list of

your browser. 

This is particularly useful when your browser based

bookmarks have become unwieldy. It's also help since you can access your

bookmarks from any computer where you have an internet connection. 

It's also a handy way to create and market new RSS Feeds.

Social bookmarking websites are becoming more and more popular.  They allow you

to save bookmarks online and Tag/Categorize them with keywords instead

of saving them as bookmarks in the favorite's list of your browser. This

is particularly useful when your browser based bookmarks have become


It's also help since you can access your bookmarks from any

computer where you have an internet connection.

Once you have bookmarked them, you can view them, sort them by category/keyword 

as well as see links from others that have been categorized like yours.

You also establish RSS feeds for each category (tag) that you 'subscribe' 

to. This alerts you to new links in your areas of interest.

Your bookmark collection/RSS Feed becomes viewable to others who can also 

copy your bookmarks to their own collection.

So now you can aggressively promote your

Million Dollar Home Based Ideas RSS feed to

the RSS Directories and Search engines,

syndicate them and make them available to a much wider audience.

Social bookmarking sites also help you to meet other people who are interested

in the same topics you are and who may also have knowledge of web

resources that you don't.

On Social Bookmarking sites, you first create an account. 

Then you bookmark interesting and useful things in the

area of your Million Dollar Home Based Ideas interest or expertise.

By doing so you create a useful Feed.

Once you've done that you intermittently, (or aggressively), add

useful and interesting items, (that could use additional exposure), from

your own content.  Make an honest effort to contribute USEFUL

information and links. This is all about sharing and exposure. Done

properly, you can be as aggressive as you want to be about sharing

information. You can share your Million Dollar Home Based Ideas

blog(s), links to your informational/resource sites etc.

Think about the fact that when you

share links to other's resources, you're also effectively promoting

their content as well.

This is a way you can aggressively and 

ethically promote your Million Dollar Home Based Ideas

 content and the content of others. I personally

have hundreds of gigabytes of my own information and information of

others, connected to my notebook. In the final analysis, it's doing me

no good what-so-ever just sitting there. But by organizing it, online, I

can help myself, (getting organized, getting my content exposed, etc.)

and help others at the same time.

If you spice up your feed with too much sales and marketing related or self 

promotional stuff, people can and will easily drop their subscription to your feed. And 

instead of gaining good will and doing a service to the internet community you

could get labeled as a spammer and suffer the consequences.

So while being aggressive is possible and acceptable, being careful to

consider the best interest of the community is certainly warranted.

Balancing being ethical and providing a useful service to others with promoting

your own content enables you to be as aggressive as you like.

Million Dollar Home Based Ideas - Zero Cost - MLSP Webinars 

Weekly Digital Marketing Webinars => (Click Here)



MLSP - Weekly Webinars

Do You Need - Leads / Conversions / Sign-Ups ? - Brian M Hazel


Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

Do You Need - Leads / Conversions / Sign-Ups ? 

Making a point with actual statistics to support your words creates

an atmosphere of transparency. Within our industry of inflated claims,

there is always the quest for-social proof.

As a recent retiree

from the Hospitality Industry, Internet Marketing was going to create a

huge leap of faith in myself. I needed to align myself with no-excuse

systems and platforms that would work as described. My Lead System Pro

has over-delivered.

This is a full endorsement of this system and 

have included my personal results below.  


Total Lead Increases Over Time

These members have increase their lead generation the most using

MyLeadSystemPRO™ during the specified period of time.

7 Day Increase

  1. Brian M. Hazel L0

  2. Michelle and Bill Pescosolido L5

  3. Magic Mike L0

  4. Tracey Gilmore L0

  5. Jordan Ramirez L0

  6. Dale Myers L0

  7. Harold Kurt L0

  8. Seth Hymes L0

  9. Linda Bomba L0

  10. Musart Ellahi L1

  11. Ashraf Vania L0

  12. Rodolfo Rodriguez L0

  13. Kendall Bradley L0

  14. Larry Porter L0

  15. Matt Baran L0

30 Day Increase

  1. Maurice Visser L0

  2. Kate & Andrew McShea L1

  3. Paul McLoughlin L0

  4. Branden Pierce L0

  5. Brian M. Hazel L0

  6. Carol Boor L0

  7. Jamie Gaymon L0

  8. Kendall Bradley L0

  9. Ms.Pinky Maniri L0

  10. Magic Mike L0

  11. Guy Taylor L0

  12. Ken Acree L0

  13. Robert Michel L0

  14. Angela Marshall L0

  15. Shaundra Hudson L0

Total MLSP Member Signup Increases Over Time

These members have increase their MLSP member signups the most in

MyLeadSystemPRO™ during the specified period of time.

7 Day Increase

  1. Magic Mike L0

  2. Ferny Ceballos / Raymond Fong L2

  3. Magnetic Sponsoring L3

  4. Brian M. Hazel L0

  5. Ken Acree L0

  6. Loetta Paulsen L1

  7. Darren Little L3

  8. kevin houser L0

  9. Deborah Gregory L1

  10. Adam Chandler L4

  11. Lisa Jahred L1

  12. J. Frank Day L0

  13. Jimmy Ezzell L0

  14. Dale Myers L0

  15. Steve Jaffe L3

30 Day Increase

  1. Justice Eagan L4

  2. Diane Hochman L5

  3. Fraser McDonald L1

  4. John Morrison L0

  5. Brian M. Hazel L0

  6. Magic Mike L0

  7. Ferny Ceballos / Raymond Fong L2

  8. Dustin and Tracy Wisnowski L1

  9. Angela Hardy L1

  10. Ken Acree L0

  11. Shaundra Hudson L0

  12. Marc Barrett L4

  13. Matthew & Kimberly Alleyne L4

  14. Magnetic Sponsoring L3

  15. Kate & Andrew McShea L1

  16. These Leader Boards contain some very big names in this industry.

I am more than willing to share my methods. 

Trust me I understand the difference from Leads and Sign-Ups!

If you are into Internet Marketing and only want to

apply your time to realize exponential growth.

This is most certainly =>(Your Solution)



Direct - 301.204.9063

PS: I can flood your Website / Business Opportunity with Traffic!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Make Money Online - Email Marketing - Brian M Hazel

 Million Dollar Internet Marketing Ideas

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Hi Guys Brian M Hazel here,

More than two decades or so ago, 

when Email first become common...

I immediately realized... 

How to Make Money Online - Leveraging - Email Marketing

Fast forward to today, looking through your email inbox

You will find as many Marketing Emails

 As you will Personal Email.

Gmail, and other email providers have got smarter.

They added strong spam filters that could filter out unsolicited emails.

 Recently adding the Promotions tab, and now with “Inbox” by Gmail

 email marketers have noticed a change in how even solicited marketing emails are being filtered.

More and more marketers are reporting lower click-through rates,

starting from when Gmail launched its promotions tab.

What is the Gmail Promotions Tab...?
 Become Wealthy with Email Marketing - Brian M Hazel
The Gmail Promotions tab was, along with the “Social” tab, Gmail’s way of sorting email. Messages from social media and mailers were both filtered out of the main inbox, so that you could easily go through these messages at a different time. In theory, this sounds great.

Allowing people the choice of when they sift through promotions and social media messages is an excellent way of ensuring two things: 1) these messages are distracting them during the work-day, 2) when they eventually go through them, they do so with intention.

This same filtering mechanism has also been introduced with Inbox by Gmail.
The main issue with these tabs is that it takes your marketing emails out of the customer’s main inbox, and is sidelined.

The worst case scenario here is that it might never be opened – as many people ignore their promotions tab entirely – or that they might unsubscribe if they see a large number of emails from the same sender with no perceived value. Here are some tips on how you can avoid this.
  • Inform the Customers
While these tabs are setup by default, users have the option of either turning them off, or changing how different emails are treated. Many brands have emailed their customers to inform them of these changes, and given clear instructions on how to ensure future emails are sent to the primary inbox. It’s still not too late to do this.
It’s not important to just explain the how, also explain the why. Let them know the reason they signed up for the mailer in the first place, the value you are providing them, and why it is in their best interests to receive these emails in their primary inbox.
  • Build Relationships
Use your email campaign to build a relationship with your customers. This might sound complicated, but it’s not. Avoid sales-y words in your emails. Instead, each email you send should deliver on the promise you made when they signed up for it. If you offered great discounts, make sure you regularly follow through. If you promised great tips on XYZ once a week, make sure every email delivers on that.
If you’re regularly delivering on what you promised, the customer is much more likely to mark your email as one that needs to be sent to the primary inbox. It is email that is no longer delivering anything of value that will end up in the promotions tab.
  • Deliver Great Content
As long as your email subject and content packs a punch, you will be in better shape than most marketers out there. Sending high-quality, a relevant email, with great content, is the key to ensuring your marketing emails are not only open, but have a higher click-through rate than ever before.
  • Avoid Tripping the Spam Filter
Gmail’s spam filter uses an algorithm that very effectively removes spam, but sometimes ends up filtering out even those emails the user signed up for. A lot of experiments have been done on the why and how of these spam filters. If you’re still struggling with your mailers being filtered straight to spam, here are some quick things to note.
  1. Proactively ask all new subscribers to add your “from” address to their Gmail contact list. This is the definitive way of making sure your messages don’t end up in the spam folder.
  1. Make it easy for the user to unsubscribe. Might sound counter-productive but in fact it saves your email from being marked as “spam”. Once this happens, your email address might get marked as spam across email providers.
  2. Don’t use purchased email lists. These are a sure-fire way of informing an email provider that you are spamming people and sending unsolicited emails.
  3. Link only to reputable sites, and don’t add more than 1-2 links per email.
  4. Don’t send an email over 50kb in size. Smaller is better. This will mean fewer images, which goes well with a more “conversational” email tone and high-quality content.
  5. Don’t use sales-y language. We covered this earlier, but it deserves a second mention. Avoid phrases like “free prizes” etc, which might be construed by the spam filter as being too promotional.
When a subscriber trusts you with their email address you have successfully started building a relationship with them. Whether they stay on the outer fringes of your sales funnel, or eventually convert into a lead, is dependent on how you communicate with them.

Since email is how you communicate, it’s in your benefit to ensure they keep this line of communication open. Make sure every email provides your subscriber with enough value for them to look forward to the next one, and you should be safe from them clicking on “spam” or “unsubscribe”

How to Make Money Online - Leveraging - Email Marketing

        Learn How I personally Use Email Marketing, 

       as my primary source of Digital Marketing.

with Zero Cost - MLSP Webinars 

Weekly Digital Marketing Webinars => (Click Here)



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Brian M Hazel .com


How to Make Money Online - Leveraging - Email Marketing